Don't just jump into anyone and ask for financial advice. You need a reliable company if you want that close to perfect transaction. Find the best company like Paladin Registry - they have well trained professionals from financial planners, investment advisors and money managers.
Crazy it may sound but I am in dire need of a financial advisor. Our financial status is indescribable since I stopped baking last January so the money coming in each month was lesser that I have expected. We have pending loans to pay and months of unpaid mortgages. I hate to jot down each one of them because I would go crazy - that's a fact. Now all I need are resources, more resources where I can get enough moolah to cover our overdrafts :( I know that this isn't the best solution but it's the only one I know :((
Should I apply for a loan with Social Security Services?, get a multi-purpose loan from Pag-ibig? jump into loans from individuals? I don't really know. I have not settled any of our bills yet for this month and for sure I'd go crazy again mid-month on where should I get enough money to pay for it. Sad life, isn't it? I feel like I'm Becky Bloomwood-Brandon now with neck-deep overdrafts and a dire need to SHOP.
ahetchushopping. youruinedmylife.

PLease tell me once you find one! haha! I, too, have the same prob mare...
Thanks for sharing the information, we should be careful while choosing financial adviser. I consult with A Bankers Life . They help me according to my budget.
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