Sunday, January 2, 2011

How Business Cards Helped my Business

I can still remember the first time I ventured into online selling back in 2004. I was still naive back then because no one taught me how to do business. Wherever I am now in this field are all fruits of my trial and error :) I started selling in eBay and one of the ways to get connected to the eBay community was to attend JAVAs, an informal get-together of sellers and buyers. During those gatherings, I would normally see co-sellers giving away business cards and I wondered why. Back then I thought business cards were only for businessmen and women - I never thought I was already one!

6 years later, I have grown from a naive girl into an established businesswoman and in those years I made sure that I always have my business cards with me. Here are the benefits of having one:

  • Business cards does the marketing for you for it keeps you in the mind of prospective customers. And with small business people like me who simply couldn't afford traditional marketing like in radio stations and mainstream media, a business card is the key so prospective customers won't forget about me.
  • These cards make you look like a reliable business person and you all know that first impressions last, right? People around the world thinks it's a professional thing to exchange business cards during certain gatherings. On my case, I prepared a bunch so I was ready on the second gathering that I attended.
  • It will increase your sales bigtime. It a practical investment considering the sales it will give your business.
One simple tip though, in designing your business cards, ensure that they're coordinated with your business - from the colors, font and theme. This way people will recognize your company the moment they see your businesscard.

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